2 min readMay 1, 2023


I have given it some thought and I’ve come to the conclusion that I absolutely, wholeheartedly love and adore when it rains, provided I’m not in it of course, which is weird because if you love something wouldn’t you want to be in constant contact with it?
And so I love the rain from a distance, preferably with a roof, walls and a window between us. I like how I feel safe inside and under a blanket with a book and my Rainy days Playlist. Sometimes I simply just listen and watch the rain while it rages outside. Thunderstorms are the most amazing for me. I love the sound of thunder, the lightning that comes before that that lights up my room for a brief second. Sometimes the light gets suspended for a moment longer and it’s like heaven in a flash.
It all seems mediocre really that I love the rain but it’s my favourite time probably because it feels like the sky is screaming out what I can’t. Like the tears I’ve kept bottled up are finally allowed to splash on the ground. My temper is usually soothed when it rains and it humbles me. My mother calls me a rain child because it rained heavily the day I was born and it rained on my naming ceremony and it almost always rains on my birthdays but that’s not why I love the rain, not for its significance in my birth but because of how insignificant my problems feel when it rains. It’s like at least if people can’t hear me, they can hear the rain, they can feel the cold and sometimes they can’t escape being drenched in it. On days like this, forgive my blasphemy, it feels like the sky is a messenger of mine delivering the thoughts I’ve kept bottled up, anger, happiness, despair, or even a muddy mash of everything. But of course it’s not my messanger, I could never control something like that. And for someone who likes being in control I should probably hate the uncontrollable nature of rainstorms, but I don’t, and I’ve given it a lot of thought and I’ve concluded that I absolutely, wholeheartedly love and adore when it rains.

[ ] Here with me by Susie Suh and Robert Koch
[ ] Pride and Prejudice the 2005 version
[ ] Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince the book
[ ] If you ever forget that you love me by Isak Danielson
[ ] Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
[ ] Normal People the Series
[ ] A broken people’s Playlist by Chimeka Garricks.
I hope you have a wonderful day today. See you next time❤

